
Knowledge & Solutions

ex eventu is specialiced in the individual and customer oriented consulting of telecommunication companies. Our intelligent solutions for cost reduction, upselling and customer retention have a positive - and measurable - impact on the efficiency of your processes and customer value.

It is our customers' decision as to whether the realisation comes in form of consulting services, licences or business process outsourcing.

kundenwert_s.img Customer Value Identify the valuable participants and optimise your customer base. The Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the approp...

tarifsimulation_s.img Pricing & Simulation ...evaluate campaigns and tariffs prior to implementation and directly increase competitiveness and ensures the success of upselling campaigns.

ra_s.img Revenue Assurance ...is fundamental along with external requirements deriving from for example the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, because many network services are not charged correctly and some are not charged at all.

We are looking forward to meet your challenges!